Meiji Shrine is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his consort Empress Shoken. During Meiji era starting in 1868 he transformed Japan from an isolated feudal country into a modern world power. This sacred world lies just in the west along a railroad track.
This is the gate called Torii separating the ordinary world from the sacred world. You can’t go through its center where the deities travel. The path is laid with small white pebbles that shows here is a riverbed in order to purify many things passing through on them.
Here is like an oasis surrounded evergreen artificial woodland with 170,000 trees where you can enjoy a forest bath. In contrast to the hustle and bustle of the nearby area within a few-minute walk, you must be relieved by its serenity.
At the main shrine, bow deeply twice, clap your hands twice, make a wish and bow once again. Why you clap your hands? My wild is to say to god “God, I came here all the way to meet you. So please make my wish come true.”
Can you guess what these are? They are sake barrels, because the gods in Japan like sake. Sake plays an important role in Shinto rituals including weddings.
You may happen to see a wedding ceremony here. The bride has worn a white kimono for over 1,000 years.
Yoyogi Park is adjacent to Meiji Shrine which used to be the site of the 1964’s Tokyo Olympic athlete village.
Omotesando and Takesitadori, the ordinary world, are located exactly on the opposite side of Harajuku Station.
Omotesando literally means the front approach to Meiji Shrine and is a street lined with zelkova trees built to imitate the Champs Elysées in Paris, and nowadays the place where young people gather and purchase top quality brand items.
In harajuku, you can see young people dressed in creative, cool, and even crazy outfits. Takeshita Street is a pedestrian-only street with a lovely atmosphere.